Learn all about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) with your hosts Tallene & Sirak! We are a husband and wife duo who specialize as a PCOS dietitian & a PCOS personal trainer to help break down the root causes of PCOS and provide you the best information on PCOS treatments, supplements, and much more! www.PCOSweightloss.org

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
From symptoms to solutions: Sonali's PCOS success story!
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
#230: Sonali is an amazing and inspirational Cyster from The Cysterhood! She developed symptoms of PCOS as early as 12 years old but just like many others, was not diagnosed for 10 years.
It wasn’t until later that she found The Cysterhood and truly understood what PCOS was and how to manage it. She currently lives in London and is reaching her health goals step by step with PCOS!
In this episode, Sonali talks about specific dietary changes and supplements that made the biggest impact in her journey as well as practices that have been the most beneficial in her mental well-being.
If you are newly diagnosed or struggling to manage PCOS symptoms, join us in this episode to learn how to approach PCOS and thrive, just like Sonali!
*Note to Cysters: We had some technical issues with our microphones in this episode, apologies in advance if the audio sounds muffled*
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
No sleep? Why women with PCOS have a melatonin problem
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
#229: Need naps in the middle of the day? Studies show that women with PCOS are twice as likely as non-PCOS women to struggle with sleep disturbances and 80% have accompanying daytime fatigue.
For this episode, we will be talking about how we can change the quality of our sleep in order to improve our fatigue!
This episode is for you if:
- You struggle with daytime fatigue
- Your PCOS makes it a struggle to even fall asleep
- You need solutions to help you break-up with midday naps for good
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!
![Why PCOS is so difficult to diagnose [WE'RE ON NBC NEWS!]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/6622662/The_PCOS_Podcast_by_A_Cyster_and_her_mister_suuhme_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Why PCOS is so difficult to diagnose [WE'RE ON NBC NEWS!]
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
#228: Why is it so challenging for women with PCOS to get the healthcare they need? PCOS is just so complex for us to be pushed out of the doctor’s office after only being given a band-aid solution and having so many questions left unanswered.
For this episode, we will be talking about the current state of women’s health and what this means for us with PCOS. We will also give you our tips on how to find the right doctor for you and what you can ask them to get all the labs and resources you need!
This episode is for you if:
- You are still looking for the right doctor to help guide you through your PCOS
- You are frustrated with how short your doctor’s appointments are
- Your last doctor just gave you medication for PCOS but you’re looking for more support
NBC News Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/pcos-diagnosis-treatment-difficult-women-rcna142430
Research on Inositol vs Metformin: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wk/ebwhj/2015/00000005/00000002/art00003;jsessionid=lfv7szjsk47q.x-ic-live-03
Labs to ask doctor: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEumSE8OHU/2ZVT-lBsYaanjIs8xPwjTA/view?utm_content=DAEumSE8OHU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Katie's story: How she lost 20 lbs naturally in The Cysterhood!
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
#227: Katie is a fellow Cyster of The Cysterhood and has been gluten and dairy free since June of last year.
Before finding us, she struggled with irregular periods, horrible mood swings, and bloating, as I am sure many of you can relate!
Katie will be sharing her experience with us on how she lost 20 lbs with PCOS, went gluten and dairy free, all while juggling her last semester of college!
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
The PCOS Mane Event: A Hair Growth Guide for PCOS girlies!
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
#226: We are continuing our Women’s History Month series with this main event…or MANE event.
For this episode, we will be spilling the tea on PCOS hair. We know that as a woman, hair can be a big part of our confidence and self esteem. Unfortunately, hair loss is one the most difficult symptoms to overcome, so we are here to help you win!
This episode is for you if:
- You think PCOS hair loss in complicated, and you want to learn what is causing it in your own health
- You need all the tips to get your hair growing back naturally so that you can manage this symptom and put a stop to hair thinning!
- You want to hear testimonies of what other Cysters did to get their hair to grow back
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Dr. Nirvana helps you NATURALLY get your period back with PCOS!
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
#225: What if you could sit down with a doctor who actually specializes in PCOS? What about a doctor who can give you steps on how to get your periods back that doesn’t require birth control?
Cyster, in this episode we got you (and we won’t kick you out of the room earlier than you’d like to!)
For this special Women’s History Month episode, we have Dr. Nirvana Tehranian, a Naturopathic Doctor dedicated to helping women heal from years of adrenal fatigue, gut dysfunction, and weight-loss struggles, to name a few.
This episode is for you if:
- You struggle with irregular periods and want to learn about how to get you cycles back to normal naturally
- You are on birth control for you periods, but don’t want to be on it forever
- You want a step by step plan on how to get your period back that is supported by a doctor who specializes in hormonal health
To find more resources and work directly with Dr. Nirvana, head over to her website at https://www.drnirvana.com and her Instagram page @thedrnirvana (https://www.instagram.com/thedrnirvana/).
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Raw and Unfiltered: Stories from fellow Cysters and their TRIUMPHS!
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
#224: March is Women’s History Month! Today we're turning the spotlight to the women of our amazing community: the Cysterhood.
For this special episode, we'll be sharing their raw, unfiltered stories, their challenges overcome, and their triumphs celebrated.
This episode is for you if:
- You find inspiration in hearing about real life before and after stories of other women conquering their PCOS
- You are struggling with weight loss, intertility, managing multiple symptoms, getting rid of your ovarian cysts (or all of the above!)
- You want to know exactly how our Cysters reached their health goals and are now living their best PCOS lives
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
What if My Partner Doesn't Support My PCOS Journey + 5 Tips to Explain PCOS!
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
#223: Having a significant other while having PCOS can go two ways: either super well with a lot of support or just unreasonably complicated.
In this episode, we give tips on what you can do if your partner isn’t supportive of your PCOS journey (yet!)
You’ll learn how to explain your PCOS diagnosis to your partner for the first time while also being clear of your needs to keep up with your new PCOS lifestyle changes.
This episode is for you if:
- You want to ask your partner for support with your PCOS lifestyle, but are not sure how to start that conversation
- You’ve already spoken to your partner about your PCOS, but need to take it to the next level
- You’re partner hasn’t been supportive of your new health changes and you don’t want it to affect your journey
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
His and Hers: PCOS Meals
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
#222: What are the biggest challenges with creating PCOS friendly meals that your partner also enjoys?
In this episode, we share how you and your partner can make mealtime a little easier, both for the experience (because this is like a bonus date night!) and also for your PCOS journey.
You’ll learn how we manage meal prepping and grocery shopping and how you and your partner’s meals can help towards your PCOS health goals.
This episode is for you if:
- You don’t have a lot of time and energy after work to cook PCOS friendly meals for you and your partner
- You want tips on how you and your partner can get started on cooking for your PCOS journey together
- You want to hear stories of how other Cysters and their misters navigate meal time successfully
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
The 4 Types of PCOS: How to know which one you have
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
#221: If you don’t know where to begin on your PCOS weight loss journey, you’ve come to the right place!
On today's episode, we’ll be discussing the 4 PCOS types that drive symptoms like weight gain, hair loss, acne, belly fat and more. Knowing your PCOS type will empower you to get to the root cause of your symptoms so you can find the right treatment that works for your body.
You’ll learn the difference between Insulin Resistance, Adrenal Fatigue, Inflammatory and Thyroid related PCOS, alongside important steps to manage each PCOS type!
This episode is for you if:
- You struggle to lose weight with PCOS
- You don’t know where to begin on your PCOS weight loss journey
- You don’t know what labs to get done
Download The Cysterhood App, the largest community of PCOS women learning to lose weight & reverse symptoms with daily meals & workouts designed for PCOS!
What’s Your PCOS Type? - Take the quiz!
Supplements for Women With PCOS (https://ovafit.org/metabolism-plus/)
Ovasitol: 15% OFF (https://ovafit.org/ovasitol/)
Website (https://pcosweightloss.org/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pcos.weightloss/)
Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pcos.weight.loss)
Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pcosweightloss/)
While Tallene is a Registered Dietitian and Sirak a Personal Trainer, this podcast provides general information about PCOS. It is not meant to serve as fitness, nutrition or medical advice related to your individual needs. If you have questions, please talk to a medical professional. For our full privacy policy, please click on the following link: (bit.ly/PCOSPrivacyPolicy)
Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that we provide, we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!