Learn all about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) with your hosts Tallene & Sirak! We are a husband and wife duo who specialize as a PCOS dietitian & a PCOS personal trainer to help break down the root causes of PCOS and provide you the best information on PCOS treatments, supplements, and much more! www.PCOSweightloss.org

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
#11 - PCOS & Metformin
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Did the doctor prescribe you Metformin for your PCOS? Metformin is commonly prescribed for women diagnosed with PCOS while there are other options like lifestyle changes and various natural supplements.
On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we talk about what Metformin is, how it works, the research behind it, and more! We go over the side effects of Metformin as well as what it does to your PCOS.
Cyster's wrote in with their personal stories of Metformin and how it fared for their PCOS. Tune in to hear their stories. We also go over alternatives to Metformin such as Ovasitol and the growing research behind it!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood
Ovasitol Packets: http://bit.ly/Ovasitol 15% off PRC code 292660

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
#10 - PCOS Q & A
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Welcome to our first LIVE episode! To celebrate the 10th episode of the podcast, we decided to host a LIVE Q & A event with all the Cysters!
We wanted you and all our Cysters to ask us the questions you wanted to learn about. And that's exactly what we did! Tune in to listen to all the PCOS questions and answers about carbs, gluten, metformin, birth control, coffee, dairy, adrenal fatigue, and so much more!
We even listen to LIVE success stories from Cysters about their recent wins managing PCOS! You don't want to miss this!
For future LIVE episodes, make sure you follow us on Instagram @PCOS.Weightloss & @a.cyster.and.her.mister to hear the latest updates and upcoming events!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
#9 - PCOS & Birth Control
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Was birth control the first thing the doctor offered you after being diagnosed with PCOS? Most women with PCOS are told to take birth control and there are a lot of unanswered questions about the impact this has on the body!
On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we talk about birth control and if it's a good option after being diagnosed with PCOS. We go over the side effects associated with the pill and the symptoms of post-pill syndrome & what you can do about it!
As always, we read a personal Win of the Week from a cyster who has been managing her PCOS like a boss! Feel free to submit your messages on Instagram for a podcast shout out!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
#8 - PCOS Anxiety, CBD, and Adrenal Fatigue
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
What happens where there is a chronic activation of the stress system in our body? On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we talk about how our adrenal glands pump stress hormones and cause strong feelings of anxiety.
We get into how food and other external factors impact your stress hormones like cortisol and the overall influence this has on your body's ability to produce & balance your levels of Progesterone and Estrogen, which impact anxiety. Not to mention, we uncover the triggers of stress in the body and what you can do to prevent the feelings of adrenal fatigue, stress, and anxiety!
Listen to our Win of the Week, where we talk about a cysters story and her latest wins losing weight and getting pregnant with PCOS!
Enroll in our Meal Prep & Workout Course for PCOS Weight Loss with 4 weeks of step-by-step video tutorials of gluten & dairy free meals and complete workouts to help you manage PCOS and lose weight! Enrollment window closes January 22nd, join while it’s available! http://bit.ly/Enroll-in-Course

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
#7 - Gluten & Dairy Free for PCOS
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Have you tried going gluten & dairy free to manage your PCOS? On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we uncover the research behind gluten and dairy & how it links to the symptoms of PCOS.
Tallene has been gluten and dairy free for 10 years and has been teaching the lifestyle to Cysters out there to finally lose weight with PCOS! Not only did Tallene completely overcome her PCOS but she also lost 30 pounds in the process. This episode will show the science and research behind why going gluten and dairy free is one of the best solutions for PCOS!
We often focus on the number that the scale shows and forget all the hard work we put into our journey. This was a topic among Cysters that we discussed and even read the conversation that our ladies had.
Listen to our weekly messages from Instagram and our shout out to the ladies managing their PCOS with their latest wins!
Enroll in our Meal Prep & Workout Course for PCOS Weight Loss with 4 weeks of step-by-step video tutorials of gluten & dairy free meals and complete workouts to help you manage PCOS and lose weight! Enrollment window closes January 22nd, join while it’s available! http://bit.ly/Enroll-in-Course

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
#6 - PCOS Breakups & Makeups
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
How has PCOS affected your relationship? We get deep on this episode and talk about PCOS breakups and makeups. From supportive stories to ones where the boyfriend just didn’t quite understand, we go through the experience of Cysters with their stories including our tips and advice to help you get through it ladies!
We even discuss our break-or-make point in our relationship… listen to the hilarious and thrilling story that set our future in motion!
We asked and you answered! We read your answers to our recent question on Instagram related to PCOS & your relationship!
Enroll in our Meal Prep & Workout Course for PCOS Weight Loss with 4 weeks of step-by-step video tutorials of gluten & dairy free meals and complete workouts to help you manage PCOS and lose weight! Enrollment window closes January 22nd! http://bit.ly/Enroll-in-Course

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
#5 - PCOS Meal Prep & Workouts
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
How much do you spend on groceries? On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we talk about how we meal prep for PCOS and our strategy towards grocery shopping. We cover how much we spend on groceries, how we prepare and cook gluten & dairy free meals, and more!
We often want to exercise harder and longer because we think that will make us lose weight. We uncover the common mistakes of working out with PCOS and discuss immediate tips for you to improve your PCOS workouts with results.
Like always, we read Instagram messages from Cysters and reveal the Cyster of the week with her latest wins managing PCOS!
Enroll in our Meal Prep & Workout Course for PCOS Weight Loss with 4 weeks of step-by-step video tutorials of gluten & dairy free meals and complete workouts to help you manage PCOS and lose weight! Enrollment window closes January 22nd, join while it’s available! http://bit.ly/Enroll-in-Course

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
#4 - His & Hers PCOS Friendly Meals
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we talk about PCOS friendly meals that are delicious and fun for both people in a relationship. It's good for both partners to know how to cook, even if it's a little. We go into our process and how we do it together!
If a cyster is letting PCOS get her down, then the partner has to step up a little bit, and vice versa. What can he do & what you would you tell him to do to help you?
We also dive into Instagram DM questions and discuss your personal requests on the podcast. Last but not least, we announce the Cyster of the Week with her latest wins managing her PCOS!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood
Ovasitol Packets: http://bit.ly/Ovasitol 15% off PRC code 292660

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
#3 - PCOS Cravings & What You Need To Do
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Hey Cysters! On this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we talk about the different kinds of cravings that comes with PCOS and discuss tips to prevent PCOS cravings based on scientific research. We even read messages and comments from Cysters on how they fight their cravings!
We reveal the Cyster of the Week and how she has been able to manage her PCOS in different ways to get the wins she deserves!
We had a recent fiasco in the house when our pumpkins were visited by some critters. Listen into the hilarious story about the discovery and the eventual cleanup that took place!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood
Ovasitol Packets: http://bit.ly/Ovasitol 15% off PRC code 292660

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
#2 - Explaining PCOS to your loved ones
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
In this episode of A Cyster & Her Mister, we discuss how to approach talking about PCOS and being gluten & dairy free with family and friends, a topic that’s especially relevant during the holidays!
We answer questions submitted from other Cysters and read funny comments & DM’s from Instagram! We also share with you our recent dinner party, the foods we made, & how we were able to host a PCOS friendly evening without our guests even noticing!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of woman learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood