Learn all about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) with your hosts Tallene & Sirak! We are a husband and wife duo who specialize as a PCOS dietitian & a PCOS personal trainer to help break down the root causes of PCOS and provide you the best information on PCOS treatments, supplements, and much more! www.PCOSweightloss.org

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Reversing Insulin Resistance with PCOS!
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
More than 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance! What is insulin resistance and how do you treat it?
On this episode, you'll learn what the symptoms of insulin resistance are, including mental & physical side effects and what untreated insulin resistance can lead to!
Were you prescribed Metformin? We discuss treatment options that are available to reverse your insulin resistance with tips on diet & lifestyle modifications as well prescriptions and natural options that are available!
We also read answers from a recent Instagram poll & answer questions from the PCOS hotline! Not to mention, we read the Win of the Week...a Cyster managing her PCOS like a boss!
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood-Membership)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Aug 31, 2020
PCOS & Birth Control with Dr. Jolene Brighten!
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Today, we talk about the role that birth control plays in our PCOS journey!
Dr. Jolene Brighten is the author of Beyond The Pill and is a prominent leader in women’s medicine and the emerging science of Post-Birth Control Syndrome, which is the study of the effects of hormonal birth control on female health.
On this episode, Dr. Brighten empowers women with PCOS to take control of their health and hormones. She explains how the studies done on birth control did not include women with PCOS, and why it’s important for us to be aware of the effects that it can have on our body, even when we decide to get off of the pill.
Dr. Brighten gives advice for Cysters who choose to be on the pill as well and talks about what they can do to support their body, starting with diet and lifestyle. She also discusses the role of carbs on how we sleep and shares her delicious turmeric latte recipe from her book that helps her patients get better sleep.
Check out Dr. Jolene Brighten’s book (www.beyondthepillbook.com), where she talks about the birth control pill and its impact on our health including the inflammation created by the pill that sabotages our hormones. Her book also includes a 30-day action plan with meal plans, recipes and tools for success.
GIVEAWAY! We are giving away 2 copies of Dr. Jolene Brighten's book, Beyond the Pill, follow us on IG (@pcos.weightloss) for details on how to win!
You can find more resources on her website (www.drbrighten.com) and Instagram (@drjolenebrighten) and you can download her Post Birth Control Syndrome Detox Diet guide https://drbrighten.com/pbcsdiet
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood-Membership)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Interview with a Cyster: Andrea Lewis from Degrassi!
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Do you feel alone in your PCOS journey? This is a great episode to remind yourself that you are not alone in this and have a whole community behind you Cyster!
Andrea Lewis, an actress & filmmaker known for her roles in hit tv shows like Degrassi, joins us to discuss her story with PCOS!
You'll learn how Andrea found out about her PCOS, what steps she took in managing her symptoms, and what she is doing with her diet & lifestyle now!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Aug 17, 2020
How to Work Out for PCOS Weight Loss Pt. 2!
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Are your workouts not giving you the results you want? On this episode, we talk about the best kind of workouts for PCOS weight loss!
What’s more important? Diet or exercise? We go into the importance of nutrition and how it can be paired best with exercise! What about supplements before/after workouts? We got you girl, tune into hear what we recommend before & after your workouts!
Should I do intense workouts like kickboxing or HIIT? You’ll learn how intense workouts can impact PCOS and the benefits slow weighted workouts can have on PCOS!
Can I do cardio workouts? If you love cardio, you’ll love our tips to help you make the best out of your runs!
If you haven't listened to part 1 yet, check out episode number 14 for more tips!
We also answer questions from the PCOS Weight Loss Hotline & read the Win of the Week, a Cyster who's been managing her PCOS like a boss!
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Gluten, Dairy, and Toxins with Dr. Tom O'Bryan!
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Today, we talk about the role gluten, dairy, and toxins play in our health with Dr. Tom O'Bryan!
Dr. Tom O'Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and writer on chronic disease, metabolic disorders, and has more than 30 years of experience as a functional medicine practitioner!
On this episode, we talk about how damage to our bodies accumulate over the years from different factors and turn into debilitating symptoms, such as with PCOS!
You'll learn about an easy-to-implement and researched plan to address symptoms as well as learning how to make simple lifestyle changes to reverse inflammation and damage caused to your body by gluten, dairy, and toxins!
Check out Dr. Tom O' Bryan's recipes (thedr.com/getrecipes), excerpted from his book The Autoimmune Fix. It Includes 3 weeks of a simple & delicious nutrition plan, during which you remove gluten, sweets, and dairy—the three primary culprits behind autoimmunity, and replace them with a series of powerful & vibrant foods. You can find more resources on his website (thedr.com) and Instagram (@dr.tomobryan)!
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Aug 03, 2020
The Link Between PCOS, Depression, and Anxiety!
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Up to 64% of women with PCOS have depression and up to 57% have anxiety! If you struggle with this, you are not alone!
On this episode, we discuss the science behind why women with PCOS can have depression and/or anxiety, the different options available for mental health improvement, and why it's important to incorporate self-care practices!
We explain why Cysters tend to have higher outputs of cortisol, adrenaline, DHEA, and other symptoms that adversely affect mood and contribute to other symptoms like hirsutism.
You'll also learn helpful tips about foods, supplements, and methods that can help with depression and/or anxiety! Tune in to the episode to hear the details!
With support, every woman with PCOS can achieve mental, emotional, and spiritual health!
DISCLAIMER: We are not, nor are we holding ourselves out to be a doctor or mental health therapist. If you are suffering from mental health issues such as depression and/or anxiety, please consult with a doctor or therapist who can further evaluate your mental health.
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
Philosophie Protein powder (http://bit.ly/2C5MXrv)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Jul 27, 2020
Should I take CBD for PCOS?
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
CBD is gaining momentum in the health and wellness world, with some scientific studies confirming it may ease symptoms of ailments like chronic pain and anxiety.
Women with PCOS struggle with inflammation, which after it becomes chronic, can lead to depression, diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndromes, and more!
On this episode, we explain what CBD is and whether it can be beneficial for women with PCOS!
You'll learn the symptoms that CBD can help with, why all CBD products are not equal, and how to take CBD and get the best absorption! We even talk about serving sizes and how to figure out what dosage is right for you!
We answer questions from the PCOS Weight Loss Hotline & read the Win of the Week, a Cyster who's been managing her PCOS like a boss!
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Reversing PCOS Risk Factors!
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
What are the risk factors of PCOS? On this episode, you'll learn how to prevent them with a consistent PCOS lifestyle!
Did you know women with PCOS have higher chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes, Gum disease, Cardiovascular disease, and more!
Do you have trouble sticking to the PCOS lifestyle to prevent these risk factors? When it comes to PCOS, having the right motivating factor, mindset, and consistency can be a game changer in the results you want!
This episode will help you get motivated on beginning a consistent PCOS lifestyle by giving you the best tips to get started. We talk about meal plans, making progress not perfection, and other tips like how to have a consistent workout schedule!
We answer questions from the PCOS Weight Loss Hotline & read the Win of the Week, a Cyster who's been managing her PCOS like a boss!
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
For the cooking sauce mentioned on the podcast, check out Mesa de Vida!
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)

Monday Jul 13, 2020
How to Treat PCOS with OB-GYN Dr. Amersi!
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
An OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist) joins us on the podcast to talk all about PCOS and her approach to helping women with PCOS get the treatment they need to lead the healthiest lives possible!
Dr. Shamsah Amersi is one of the country's leading and most recognized Ob-Gyns. She graduated in the top 1% of her medical school and has won national awards throughout her career for her work in women's health and has been chosen as Top Doctors of the United States for the past 4 years.
You'll learn about Dr. Amersi's approach to diagnosing women with PCOS, the treatment options available, and what diet & lifestyle recommendations she makes to her patients including gluten & dairy free!
Dr. Amersi offers PCOS diagnosis and management to help women in and around Los Angeles get the treatment they need to lead the healthiest lives possible! She also offers Telehealth appointments on her website (www.dramersi.com). You can find Dr. Amersi on Instagram (@shamsahamersi)!
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (bit.ly/Ovasitol)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (bit.ly/CBDpcos)

Monday Jul 06, 2020
The Gluten & Dairy Free Argument for PCOS!
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
What is the argument against going gluten & dairy free for PCOS? On this episode, we discuss the common misconceptions about going gluten & dairy free with PCOS!
Should only people with Celiac Sensitivity go gluten free? We explain the research behind Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and how this relates to PCOS!
Is there research on the link between PCOS & gluten and dairy free? You'll learn their link to autoimmune issues.
Is going gluten & dairy free the answer to PCOS? We discuss why there is no "one size fits all" approach with PCOS.
Call our PCOS Weight Loss Hotline at 1-833-ASK-PCOS (1-833-275-7267). You can leave a question or tell us how we’ve helped you! We might just play your message on the podcast to inspire other Cysters!
Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS & lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood)
Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (http://bit.ly/Ovasitol)
PCOS Friendly CBD: 20% OFF code TheCysterhood (http://bit.ly/CBDpcos)